You had to take it too far at the top. Taxi drivers are a long long way from being replaced by Uber (I am not totally sure the difference between and Uber and a taxi that would signal such a change anyway). I know many places in North America (forget about the rest of the world, as you seem to be doing) that don’t have even a single Uber driver but have taxis.
Artists? That’s a bit of a stretch because to a real artist ai is just another tool like a paintbrush.
Amazon drivers? In the near future also unlikely except in select American cities.
Will AI have a huge impact? Of course. Without some sort of universal basic income we will see a further escalation of income disparity. These people won’t be calling a frigging Uber. They will be picking through garbage for food.
If we do not wrestle the use of AI away from people who see it simply as a way to reduce costs and increase profit margins then there is no positive to this revolution.
I accept that I will be mostly replaced by AI in my job. But I am already old, own a house, have my savings and all the rest.
Young people are screwed by this if it keeps on this trajectory.
I am constantly amazed by elitists trying to follow the party line about the benefit of ai. Are you seeing prices go down because of the reduced costs to business? No.
Until it can produce food more cheaply it is not good for humanity.
And I am in the industry!